1998-2002 School of Art – Sculpture
2004-2008 Engineering University (KTU) – Bachelor’s degree
2008-2010 Engineering University (VGTU) – Master’s degree
2001-2018 Experience in training
2005-2023 Experience in event organising (>65 events organised) Total budget ± 1,7 M Eur
2010-2023 Experience as founder and leader on educational platform (SKILLZ studio) Country most successful studio
2012-2018 Experience in clothing manufacture
2021 Business booster courses
2022 Certified Business coach
Team building, motivation for growth, making the team act as if the company were their own.
Hiring, training and delegating work so that it is done as if you were doing it yourself and even better.
Marketing – you no longer have to call and look for customers, from now they will look for you.
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Let’s meet, my name is Dmitriy, since childhood I have been a different kind of child, I used to ask myself
questions that are not common for children, for example: where are the limits of development, how to motivate
people to work, how to become more effective, etc. I earned my first money at the age of ten, and since then
I have worked in various jobs after school: selling newspapers, trading, writing essays at university, etc. But I
realised that my purpose is to help people become better versions of themselves, to motivate them to move
faster, to see a different perspective.
I feel a great pleasure when I see the person I am working with
progressing and achieving much higher results than what they had set out to do before! In parallel, I have
worked in different spheres: event organisation, training, production, consultancy for different companies, my
company (SKILLZ brand) has been market leader since 2010. I read every day, I constantly improve myself by
taking various courses, I am a regular participant of the Bizon business club.